

1.Find common divisors of n numbers
  Input:a[ ]=[6,90,12,18,30,18] 
  Output:1 2 3 6
  {post your program in comment box }

2.Know about STACK class in JAVA.


0)Meaning   : Anthropologist

                         --One who studies the evolution of mankind

1)Idiom       :be across something

                          -- fully understand the details or complexity of an issue or situation.

2)GroupDisc: Does dress code really matter at educationalinstitutions?  

                       {post your view in comment box↓}


HealthTips:                       DO THE FIVE

                                                                                --------Help stop coronavirus

1.Hands ---Wash then often

2.Elbow ---cough into it

3.Face ----Don't touch it

4.Space ---Keep safe distance

5.Feel sick?---Stay home by consult specialist

       We Are Providing Every Content in this Blog Inspired From Many People and Provide it Open To All People Who Are Willing Gain Some Stuff in Computer Science.