
1.Write a program to identify common elements or numbers between two given arrays.
Note: You should not use any inbuilt methods are list to find common values.
Input: 4 7 3 9 2 
           3 2 12 9 40 32 4
Output: 4 3 9 2
  {post your program in comment box }

2.Know about  the JAVA FEATURES with examples.

3.Know about the 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.


0)Meaning   : Filicide

                         --killing of one's son or daughter.

1)Idiom       : aback

                          --Surprise or shock.

2)GroupDisc: Should the practice of Yoga be made compulsary in Schools.

                       {post your view in comment box↓} 

HealthTips:                       DO THE FIVE

                                                                                --------Help stop coronavirus

1.Hands ---Wash then often

2.Elbow ---cough into it

3.Face ----Don't touch it

4.Space ---Keep safe distance

5.Feel sick?---Stay home by consult specialist

                                                 STAY HOME ,BE SAFE 
                                                                         ---YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE WAITING FOR YOU

Motivation For The Day

"We generate fears while we sit.We overcome them by action."