
1.Given an array of integers arr[] of size N and a number K ,the task is to find Kth most occurring element in this array.   
   Input: arr[]={1,2,2,2,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,7,7,8,8,8,8},K=1
   Output: 5
 {post your program in comment box }

2.Know about the Hamiltonian Cycle.

3.Know about the Iterative Merge sort.

4.Know about the Mutex vs Semaphore in OS.


0)Meaning   : Odontology

                         --The scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth.

1)Idiom       cost an arm and a leg

                          --extremely expensive.

2)GroupDiscWomen's IPL is a welcome move.

                       {post your view in comment box↓} 

HealthTips:                       DO THE FIVE

                                                                                --------Help stop coronavirus

1.Hands ---Wash then often

2.Elbow ---cough into it

3.Face ----Don't touch it

4.Space ---Keep safe distance

5.Feel sick?---Stay home by consult specialist

                                                 STAY HOME ,BE SAFE 
                                                                         ---YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE WAITING FOR YOU

Motivation For The Day

"The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work."

       We Are Providing Every Content in this Blog Inspired From Many People and Provide it Open To All People Who Are Willing Gain Some Stuff in Computer Science.